Observations on the Road to...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Damn. Having no internet connection is a double edged sword.

On the good, I can just relax, go out and do whatever and just unplug myself from what's goin on. Yet on the other hand, I'm unplugged from what's goin on. I posted a bulletin on myspace about the photos I posted from last Friday night at Trad'r Sam. It's sort of like Bud Geracie's Wake of the Week... Only, you know, about a night out at a bar...

The bulletin consisted of two lists. One about what is self-evident in the photos, and the other about stuff that only people who were there would know about. I figure I'd go a step further, and rip off Geracie's column once again for the purposes of this post.

-I got a page or two of dialogue on the ol screenplay done. Altogether total is now 75 pages.

-Goin to the Isotope on Friday for the launch party of Matt Silady's The Homeless Channel.

-Today, Wednesday May 30th, is Bella's Birthday. Happy Birthday Bella!

-I took my financial aid exit counseling, and found out the government thinks I'm not scheduled to graduate until May 27, 2008. Interesting?!?

-Super-Con is comin' up this weekend, June 2 & 3.

-I'm gonna have to cut my pull-list down. And it is gonna have to be a very considerable cut. I wonder how Greg is gonna react to that.

-I'm thinking the plan for the next screenplay isn't gonna be what I've been telling people. I think I wanna go in another direction. Comparing the script I'm working now, and the original second project just seems a little too similar in terms of tonality. I've been thinking that I should change it up, if only to prove to myself and to others my range of capability. A lot of back and forth right now. Nothing definite until I finish what I'm working on now.

-On Tuesday, I exchanged the Chucks I got on Monday, and got some Puma's instead.

-I wanna go to the driving range. Anyone down to come with?

-I really wanna pick up the Bloc Party cd's. I feel like an ass for not already owning them.

-Gotta start thinkin about how to break down the short film I wanna make this summer.

-Went to the A's-Rangers game on Monday after stopping by Tim & Cindy's place. It was there "going away party," and well, I wanted to make sure I went so as to say "goodbye." Well, not "goodbye," but you know, wish them well.

-"Fine Young Asians." Cindy: believe me when I tell you that I will make FYA come to life.

-I'm gonna visit Justin today.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


So I didn't let out a river of tears that I was expecting. It was just accomplishment, and an exhilarating feeling. I still gotta figure out my living situation after July, and what my plans are for the future in general. I know that writing is quite literally one of the most uncertain endeavours that a person can set out to do, but then again, that's why Iove doing it as I do.

I like meeting and exceeding challenges. I've overcome a lot of them within just the last two years or so, and accomplished a lot of things. Yet, there are so many more challenges that await me in the years to come. And that is how it should be. The challenge right now is where i want to live after this July.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Sleepy Time

But not really. I just wrote some emotionally charged stuff on a bulletin on MySpace. I've written nothing quite like it before, and I gotta say that it was something I had to get off my chest. There were two major happenings that made for a shitty few hours before goin out to Trad'r Sam tonight, and the trifecta was completed by the end of the night. But despite this third happenstance, I had a good time.

I knew I was gonna have a good time tonight, no matter what, I just didn't think that the trifecta would have come the way as it did. But hey, shit happens, so you deal with it. i'm sure in the next few days, that will happen.

But for now, it's my FUCKIN GRADUATION DAY!!

Congrats to all graduates everywhere.

Friday, May 25, 2007


Not the DC weekly comic, but to well... the weekend's festivities. This is a big weekend for me. Probably more than I realize right now. Ever since walking out of class on Wednesday afternoon, I've been in a daze. I've been just trying to take notice of every last detail out of every last thing that I've come across, as well as trying to enjoy everything too.

I'll say it right now, just so I can prove documentation, but also so that I can just relieve myself of it, but, well... I'm gonna be a wreck tomorrow. Not just because I'm goin out bar hoppin' tonight (in a few hours), but it's my graduation day. A big day. And I'm gonna lose it at some point, and in typical fashion, I will try to hold it in. But hard as it I may try, no dam or levy will contain the river that will hit me.

My family and friends in attendance will likely get teary eyed, too. This is a big weekend that also includes a production assistant job on Sunday for the Mission Street Carnival, and I get paid for it too. And I owe a huge bit of THANKS to my firend James for helping me get this gig.

This is a huge weekend. I'm aware of that. I'm just trying to compartmentalize it all. Right now is just the calm before the storm. And with that, let the countdown begin!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Last Final

Well I hope so, anyway. My film noir final was supposed to be on Friday, but got an email on Monday night from my professor telling us she was changing it to Wednesday. As in today, Wednesday. Hrrmmm, did that ever add stress on my shoulders. Bougie. Bougie I say! Anyhow, I took the final, and it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I just also hope I get credit for the three one-unit classes I took as well. There's no real reason why shouldn't though. I wrote those papers well enough. Maybe I'm just thinkin about everything too much.

I'm just trying to wrap myself around the fact that I'm essentially done with school. I won't flat out say "it" "officially" until I receive my diploma in the mail. But yeah, I'm done. I. AM. DONE. Let me say write that one more time: I AM DONE. There are only so many points in one's life where you feel the curents in your life change. This is definitely one of those times. I'm just trying to soak it all in, and enjoy it somehow.

No more waking up in the morning to go to school. So what now?

I get up in the morning to make that money. With a little help and support from my family and friends, and maybe some strangers, too... I just might be able to make that money by being a writer. I know I have it in me to do it. I feel it. I know I'm not meant to be on this earth for any other reason.

It's scary, it's crazy, it's a helluva challenge. So fuck it: It's time to make it happen.

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Power

As uttered by Tobey Maguire in Spidey 3: "It feels good."

I turned in my 72 pages of my screenplay to McBride today. After printing it, I put the red cardstock covers on, and then the brads... and after all that, I just sat there with a real sense of accomplishment. I know I'm only 72 pages into the script, but it feels good. It really, really does. Just gotta finish her off now. I'm setting up a due date for around mid-June... this summer is gonna be fun.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Days 3 and 4 of 4

So the frat party wasn't all bad, but still not all that great either. But it was interesting, that fasho. Relay for Life was fun, but missed the Illuminaria though. The fact that I missed it really sucks. Then went to Isotope for the Ed Brubaker party. It was fun. When I next have some free / down time, I'll post some photos that I've accumulated over the last couple of days. There's a lot more to write of, but maybe I'll save it for when I post the photos. Besides, I gotta get to reading and studying. I still got finals to think about.

I'm so close to that finish line that is graduation. This week, I just gotta focus on the work at hand. Gotta remind myself to beathe this week.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Days 1 and 2 of 4

Man, last night was some shit in the Filmore. I can't believe I'm prepared to have go out again tonight. Frankly, I should be studying right now, but I figure I can spend ten minutes blogging. Anyway, I'm up to the magic number of page 70 on my screenplay. Although I need to review it all and revise it before I turn it in on Monday to McBride, but it feels good how it is right now. If I didn't have my other two finals to worry about, I'd plow through the rest of this screenplay. But I guess that's what the month of June is gonna used up for.

Anyway, this weekend through next week and and next weekend is gonna be some kind of blur.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Another Wednesday

And yet again, I am up after a night of partying. I want to get back to my screenplay, but I just can't concentrate on it. Maybe this'll help.

I have something to say, something to write. But hell if I just can't harness it! Maybe I'm just too tired to make sense of all the emotion I have right now, but fuck, it is half past 2 in the morning...

I did not drink tonight. That was the goal for tonight, and it was something I was able to manage, and I was able to have a pretty decent time. What a fuckin night. I just wanna get through this last week and a half of school, and graduation, and maybe this load of stuff will lighten up. I hope.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Who Knows...

Tristan's 13th birthday was today. The fam and I went out to have dinner at Buca located at Oakridge. That niece of mine is a teenager now? Gah damn! Not to mention the fact that she's getting taller by the day. Hell, she's getting near my height. Happy Birthday TeeTee.

I'm not as upset about the Warriors losing to the Jazz as I had been about the postseason meltdowns that the A's have had. Likely because, and I've said this before, I bleed green and gold. But the Warriors did have a helluva run, and energized every person around the Bay, and in the words Philip Marlowe: "It's okay with me."

Also if the Warriors losing tonight wasn't bad enough, I didn't get to see the last episode of Gilmore Girls. The TiVo got the channels all fucked with... as in The CW is channel 12, and when the TiVo changed the channel, it changed it to 0-2, instead of 0-1-2... BooBoo! BooBoo I say! Ahh well, the network is repeating the episode this coming Sunday night, so I'll definitely be in front of the Telly that night.

Other than that, I need to get to writing.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Virgin Post

Get your heads out of the gutter. This is my first blog post here on blogger.

I have been working on completing my first feature length (spec) screenplay. I've been working on it since the beginning of last fall, dating back to my screenwriting class. I've since continued working on the script while in my current screenwriting class.

I don't like that the best way to describe this story as by saying: "It's a personal story that..." Yet, the hell with it. This story is what it is. It's a semi-autobiographical story. I mean, I've yet to learn much of anything. Or at least, that's how I see things, and so, what do I know??

I know enough about my life, my neurosis, and everybody that's in it, so that's what I've done. I'm relatively done with all the stuff a writer is supossed to do before he even begins writing "FADE IN," and am about 50 some odd pages into the first draft. It's got a structure to it that I'm really quite proud of, and I think I've wasted enough time this morning trying to set up this account and making this first post.

But basically, most of the time I'll post stuff about the script, or about how the writing of it is going, and whatever else comes or goes in my life. Like for instance, Diane IM's me about how to set up her iPod to her computer, and coversely, how to set up her iTunes, or that I woke up at 6:30 this am, and went to rented my Cap and Gown for Graduation... surreal stuff goin on in my life right now. Just though I'd write it down.