I haven't been this giddy in a while. Not since Alisha picked me up to go to the private Incubus show at Bimbo's last fall. I was so excited to look out my window, and see her pull up to the curb knowing I was about to see Incubus live for the first time in about two and a half years. What's more, I was completely unaware how fuckin bad ass that show would turn out. Which of course, is just what happened. I have now been to five Incubus shows, and that private show has become my favorite Incubus concert.
Which leads me to the here and the last few days. The A's just took two games outta three from the Angels in Anaheim. The A's pitched well, and they hit well, too. Despite coming up short in the third game where they had a chance at sweeping the Angels, the A's played well. It gives me hope for the rest of the season. Coming into this morning (July 26th, 2007), the A's are still in third place behind the Angels and Mariners, and 10.5 games behind first place. But in order to win the AL WEST, the guys just gotta start playing well before getting back into the race. It's the whole walk before you run idea, I guess. But if the A's can just play well, then that's all we can all hope for at this point.
Speaking of baseball; I went to a San Francisco Giants game against the Braves. *shudder*sigh*gag*
It was me, Pat, Bella, Kayla, and Mike that went. Pat bought tickets to the game last week after Bonds hit those two home runs in Chicago in the hopes that we would be witnesses to history. Well, history my arse. Bonds didn't even play last night (the third game of a four game series). Boo! And when I say "Boo," I mean "Boo!"
Not "Boo-urns!"
I can't believe it cost $30 to park in the lot over there, and needless to say, we didn't park in the lot. And where we were sitting in the third deck in that loft in left field, we couldn't even see the left fielder, the jumbo-tron, the giant glove, or the giant Coke bottle!! The two best things that I experienced last night was eating that hot dog I ate, and wearing my A's gear to the game. Obviously, if you're a fan of one team, and going into your rival team's home park will make feel a bit lost, what with being in foreign territory and all, but I must say that I felt very full of pride walking around that park dressed in A's colors. A friend of mine who is a Giants fan took a girl out on a date to an A's game last year, and they wore A's gear to the game. I realized then how much I really do bleed green and gold, but what's more is that I was puzzled as to why he or anyone else would do such a thing. There is but one exception why I would wear Giants colors, and that would be to wear Justin's #7 jersey, and that's about it. There was one heckler who tried to get a rise out of us as we were leaving (after the 7th inning ended), but his heckling was pretty weak. Too weak to mention here.
Another thing that has me as excited as I am is the fact that I'm ready to really focus on writing again. I've taken a bit longer than I thought I would. In fact, I thought that after graduating in May, it would be best that I just keep up the momentum, and finish the CAoC script. Yet, as the last two months have shown, I've only added about 10-15 pages, and that was in the first two weeks after graduation. But I've been writing a few other things within the last couple of weeks that have gotten me back into the swing of things, and I feel like I'm ready to tackle CAoC all over again. I'd say I have another twenty to thrity more pages for CAoC before it's done, and being as rejuvenated as I am now coupled with a being able to stay focused, I can totally hit this script outta the park.
Comic-Con is finally back again, but alas, I'm not in San Diego for good ol' NerdProm '07. Oh well, I'll still get to Nerd Out at the midnight screening of the Simpsons Movie that I'm attending tonight! I was originally going to go to Livermore to watch it with Jamie and some other friends after Jamie does his prsentation over there. But it would cost me too much cash to go there seeing as I'd have to go to SF from San Jose via Caltrain and BART. It sucks for sure, but I figure we'll watch the Simpsons Movie together at another time since we're all huge Simpsons fans. My bad, James. I'll nerd out in future screenings just as I'll nerd out this weekened. Especially, if I get to see The Dark Knight teaser trailer that's supposedly attatched to be seen before the Simpsons Movie. WooooHoooo!!
And before I go, I said in an earlier post that Batgirl/Barbara Gordon would soon be MINE, and now, she is!! [insert badly dubbed maniacal laugh]